Saturday, June 5, 2010

carlos & jamie Geneva, Switzerland

I am so excited to introduce my newest in love couple, Carlos and Jamie.  They were recently relocated for work to live in Geneva, Switzerland.  We thought it would be perfect opportunity to shoot their engagement photos in their new location as now they can share where they live with everyone they love.  They also get the added bonus of having great images of their first home and city together.  
I traveled there at the end of May and was so blown away by how beautiful and unique the location was for pictures.  Basically twenty steps from where Carlos and Jamie live there is a massive park that takes you right to the lake.  The colors and the trees where straight from a movie set.  When we got to the lake I became obsessed with the funky weird trees that lined the walking path and of course the fountain. 
This opportunity also gave me a chance to get to really know Carlos and Jamie and as well for them to get to know me and how I shoot.  This way on the wedding day they can be completely comfortable and know exactly what to expect.  
Thank you Carlos and Jamie for the amazing time and being so willing to show us your city and home.  I'm so glad we were able to see some new sites together.  See you in Minneapolis for the big day soon!  Cheers to you both,  Em and Lisa 

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