Tuesday, August 4, 2009

pablo & elizabeth

It is my pleasure to introduce you to Pablo and Elizabeth's wedding day. The whole event took place at the beautiful Calhoun Beach Club which made the flow of the day extremely easy. The day started with their wedding ceremony which was by far the the most heart felt and personal ceremony that I have ever had the pleasure of being witness to. Here is a snip of what was said,

"The number seven is an extremely important number to Elizabeth and Pablo which is shown in the service today by having seven readings, seven attendants, and seven stones in Elizabeth's ring. Elizabeth and Pablo have a special bond with one another, a bond that only those in the deepest of love can experience. For Elizabeth and Pablo, this bond is summarized by the number 7, which stands for Pablo's body & Elizabeth's body, Pablo's mind & Elizabeth's mind, Pablo's heart and Elizabeth's heart united together in one God. Think of the significance of having a number, that, every time you hear it uttered or see it written on a page of a book, you think of that someone whom you have this inseparable bond with."

The evening concluded with many festive chants, songs, and the traditional napkins being whirled around the air in a helicopter fashion! You would think that might be it, but to top off the dancing (that was already fantastic) there was a Mardi Gras celebration at 11pm with hats, costumes, and whistles. Now this was a celebration! A super super party!

I am thrilled to be able to share a glimpse of your love through these images. Your outward expression for each other and those you love is amazing. I was moved by your ceremony and encouraged by your blessings and dream jars. You are a joy to know and I hope these images will remind you daily of the joy you created on your big day. May your joy carry on for all your years.
Acclamazioni al vostro amore. Em



ksenija said...

love these Em! beautiful!!! some of your best work to date. :) congrats to the newlyweds!!!

Rondell said...

That sure is romantical, ain't it? Makes me want to fall in love with a white man myself!

Em said...

Rondell you are too funny! Love it!