Monday, November 24, 2008

up north!

Will and I have had the best time this last week up in northern Wisconsin at my parents house for deer hunting opener and hanging out! I spent some time catching up on some work stuff, hanging out with mom, drinking some wine, catching up on sleep, laughing, watching mom cook, eating the amazing food, chilling with family that came to visit, and walking around in the woods with the men.
Below are some outdoor surprises I found while helping Will put up his tree stands.

And my hunter! Can you see him?

Here is the new beaver dam we found on the property. Wow, have they been busy beavers! The pond to the left used to be a small stream.

Beaver food!

And here are Lucy and Cleo my parents lovely dogs. Mom and daughter team that rule the Reichert house. The "girls" as Dad calls them continue to make us laugh. They have such personalities, how can you not love them?

And going outside you must wear your orange! Just kidding, we don't make them wear hats ... we were just fooling around.

After a busy day of entertaining me, it was time for a nap!

Here is one of the clearest nights we saw. This is a great example of why I love my D3 camera. This picture below was taken outside at sunset with no tripod! Amazing. I continue to be in awe of what this camera can do! Thank you Nikon!!!

Thank you Mom and Dad for hosting us for the week. We had such a great time.
We love you!


Anonymous said...


Itch Head said...

amazing photography you made..can you tell me the details of your gears? (camera,lenses..etc)

ksenija said...

hey em! love these! the first & last one are my top faves. :) so happy to see that you are having a great time up north with your parents -- you deserve it. :) love ya!

Anonymous said...

I wish I was there with you. I love the shots of the girls. Can't wait till you meet Moose and can take some shots of him.

Anonymous said...

I want a D3!!! :)