Friday, May 4, 2007

luke horton

Mr. Luke Horton has once again impressed the heck out of me. He has grown so much since our last photo shoot that I thought his mom did a kid swap! He has changed so much that I asked Wendy if he was 9 months old? Oops, turns out he was born 3 months ago. Let's just say the time flies, and now that it is spring I think everything over winter was a year ago!!!
Luke has no more wrinkles of loose skin like before, but puff cheeks and amazing blue eyes. Eyes like that can't be normal. I wouldn't be surprised if he has super powers in Them! Watch out Wen and Tim, you have a lady killer on your hands. It was great seeing you again and thank you for letting me document the growth of Luke's precious little/bigger body! Love you, Em

1 comment:

ksenija said...

these pics are awesome...his eyes are amazing!!! fantastic photos of the little guy -- you can really feel his character! : ) great angles Em!